Get Started
The Internet Yellow Pages (IYP) is a knowledge database that gathers information about Internet resources (for example ASNs, IP prefixes, and domain names) and is easily queryable.
No password required
To query the IYP database, go to https://iyp.iijlab.net/iyp/browser/, enter 'iyp-bolt.iijlab.net:443' in the 'Connect URL' field and click on the 'Connect' button. No Username/Password is required.
Change the default settings
We recommend to change the default settings. Click on the settings icon at the bottom left then:
- Uncheck the 'Connect result nodes' option. This option may display more links than you are querying for.
- Increase the 'Initial Node Display' value when querying for many nodes.
Read only
This public instance of the database is in read-only mode. This means you can only query the data and not alter it.
Example Queries

Find more examples at the following links:
- IYP Gallery on GitHub
- APNIC blog article on the Internet in Japan
- RIPE86 presentation
- See also the guides that appear after you connect to the database in the IYP console.
Write your own queries
The above queries are written in Cypher. This is the best way to browse the IYP database, so if you want to master IYP you'll certainly want to also check the Cypher documentation.
Data Sources
Many thanks to all the organizations providing data to the Internet Yellow Pages!
Why do I see multiple links between two nodes?
Each dataset imported in IYP adds new links and sometimes it happens that two different datasets provide the same information. For example, APNIC and CAIDA datasets both give the name 'IIJ' to AS2497 which creates two links between the nodes'AS2497' and 'IIJ'. To understand the differences between links that connect the same nodes check the properties attached to the links (by clicking on them on the graphical interface).
What are all the types of nodes/links available in IYP?
In the IYP console click on the top-right database icon to see the list of node/relationship types and properties attached to them. An example is shown when clicking on any of these.
Can I run IYP locally? And add my own data?
Yes, and we recommend you to do so if you want programmatically query IYP at a high rate. The instructions to download the database and run the docker container are available at: https://github.com/InternetHealthReport/internet-yellow-pages/
Feel free to contact us by email or send your feedback on GitHub: